Thursday, November 5, 2009

Challenge - The Minotaur Rogue, Level Three

Another day, another level for the minorogue. Today is pretty basic compared to the first couple of levels - there's no feat to worry about, for one thing, and 10 possible choices for his level 3 power (compared to 14 yesterday).

Will defense is still a problem, and it probably will be for some time. However, we did manage to snag some low-level magic armor: leather armor of sudden recovery +1. This is a very nice item from Adventurer's Vault 2; it has a property and a daily power which will both help stave off ongoing damage, one of the most significant threats our low-hp minorogue must face. Still holding out for that neck item!

Note that from now on I'll be listing potential damage of some attacks; these ranges assume the power is being used to its fullest and that the character's current "main" weapon is being used for the attack. The "range" of damage is the minimum and maximum damage the attack can do, and the numbers in parentheses indicate the additional damage the minorogue can add with sneak attack.

Encounter power discussion after the break...

Level 3 Encounter Power
Let's start by making a list of powers we are most unlikely to choose. First we'll glance at the powers with a component that relies on charisma to be effective: these are bait and switch,  defender's cohort, flamboyant strike, and trickster's blade. Now we'll add all of the powers that receive a buff if the character uses either the artful dodger or brutal scoundrel rogue tactics (unless they're already on the list): nasty backswing and topple over. We'll come back to these powers later. For now, the discussion will focus on the four remaining powers: blade vault, enforced threat, low slash and setup strike.

-Blade vault has an interesting damage component: it adds str-modifier damage for each square shifted as part of the power - up to 2 squares, or +6 damage in our case. Since the minorogue is trained in athletics, he can even ignore difficult terrain during the shift, making this power a great opening move to help get him into a flanking position on the defender's main target. Assuming a full 2-square shift, the damage for this attack is 1d8+10 (+2d6); range 11-18 (13-30).

-Enforced threat brings a couple of nice things to the table - it has rattling and it works with a ranged weapon. It would be a shame to waste it on a ranged attack with this character, though; the 2[W] damage would be put to much better use in melee. The best feature, of course, is the one only ruthless ruffians gain - automatic combat advantage if the target is already rattled! Combat advantage is crucial for this guy, and there will certainly be plenty of situations where attempting to flank is a bad idea; we really want to keep an eye out for the ability to apply sneak attack damage at the drop of a hat. Damage for this attack is 2d8+7(+2d6); range 9-23 (11-35).

-The best thing about low slash is that it targets reflex instead of AC; AC is typically the most difficult defense to hit, and it is the target number for all of the attacks in the minorogue's arsenal so far. It also has a moderately good battlefield control function, but nothing to write home about. The damage isn't so hot, either: 1d8+7 (+2d6), range 8-15 (10-27)...and that's only if he's flanking, if not he loses 3 points of damage across the board. All that said, it's still worth considering due to the attack vs. reflex benefit.

-Setup strike is a pretty sweet, straightforward ability with a nice benefit; there's a reason you see it pop up in a lot of popular rogue builds. It virtually guarantees you'll do sneak attack damage two rounds in a row, without having to worry about whether or not you're flanking...and as I mentioned above, that can be crucial when you can't find the opportunity to slip around the opponent's back. Damage is 2d8+4 (+2d6); range 6-20 (8-32).

Now that we've examined each of these powers, I think I'm going to knock low slash out of the running. It's hard to justify taking it for the sole purpose of having an attack that can target reflex; if that's turning out to be a real problem in your campaign I'd advise you to swap riposte strike out for piercing strike. Furthermore, it simply doesn't fit the character concept; can you picture a minotaur swooping down low to slash at his enemy's ankles? Nah...we'll leave that particular brand of dirty pool to the halflings.

The three remaining powers all do comparable damage, and each brings a little perk in addition to that damage: shifting, rattling or guaranteed sneak attack damage for the next attack. Any of these would be nice for this character to have, but ultimately I think I'm going to go with enforced threat - it'll work quite well with the powers the minorogue already possesses, and it's the sort of attack that seems to fit the concept we're developing. The minotaur lets out a bone-chilling howl as he moves in for the kill. The bandit cowers before the massive rogue, exposing a weak point...his target acquired, the minotaur lifts his mace high above his get the idea.

But not so fast! What about the six powers we didn't even look at? Before settling on enforced threat for good, let's see if they offer anything particularly compelling. Hmmm...not really. Topple over is pretty cool, especially with the brutal scoundrel bonus...which we don't have. In fact, if we had gone with brutal scoundrel back at level 1, I would probably be gazing at enforced threat with envy. It's definitely the cream of the crop as far as this character is concerned.

Magic Item
Blast....neither a weapon nor a neck item! Alas, we're stuck with a level 2 foot item...but, beggars can't be choosers, I suppose.

Actually, all of the level 2 foot items are pretty good: we could nab the ability to stand up from prone as a minor action (and that's at will!), shift a square after charging whenever it suits us, teleport away from a dangerous fall, teleport a square as a minor action, or resist forced movement in a manner similar to a dwarf's stand your ground racial trait once per encounter...and then fall prone afterward. Okay, so they aren't all good.

Anything that helps the minorogue remain mobile is good, especially something that can help in both defensive and offensive situations. For that reason, the teleporting shoes (boots of jaunting) are the first to catch my eye...but then, that's a daily power, and both the "de-prone" shoes (acrobat boots) and the charge --> shift shoes (boots of adept charging) have abilities that can be used as often as necessary. Ultimately, I think I'm most attracted to the boots of adept charging. We haven't been giving goring charge much love up until now; there were too many situations in which it was too risky to use. With these boots, though, and the ability to shift away after knocking the opponent on his behind, the minorogue can use his racial encounter power in virtually every encounter.

Well, that wraps it up for level 3! Tomorrow will see a third magic item added to the character, another feat and higher ability scores.

Minotaur Rogue (Ruthless Ruffian)

Str 16 | Con 13 | Dex 18 | Int 8 | Wis 10 | Cha 10

AC 18 | Fort 14 | Ref 17 | Will 11

HP 35 (+5) | Init +5 | S. Value 8 (+1) | S./day 7

Trained Skills: Athletics, Dungeoneering, Intimidate, Perception, Stealth, Thievery 

Equipment - Mace, Throwing daggers, Leather Armor of Sudden Recovery +1, Boots of Adept Charging (heroic tier)

Attack Powers (Sneak Attack adds +2d6 to any attack made with combat advantage)
Values after "/" indicate ranged attack option
Riposte Strike (At-Will): +7 attack, 1d8+4 dmg; Riposte interrupt: +6 attack, 1d8+3 dmg.
Disheartening Strike (At-Will): +7 attack, 1d8+7 dmg / +9 attack, 1d4+4 dmg
Goring Charge (Encounter): +8 attack, 1d6+3 dmg
Guarded Attack (Encounter): +7 attack, 2d8+4 dmg; Secondary: +4 attack, 1d8+3 dmg
Enforced Threat (Encounter): +7 attack, 2d8+7 dmg / +9 attack, 2d4+4 dmg
Pommel Smash (Daily): +7 attack, 3d8+4 dmg
 Note: Maces can be held 2-handed for an extra +1 damage.

Utility Abilities - Adaptable Flanker (Encounter); Sudden Recovery* (Daily)
Passive Effects
- Adept Charging*, Sudden Recovery*
* - Magic Item Power

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