Monday, November 9, 2009

The blog must perish so the challenge may survive...

Sooooo. I'm not too wild about how this blog is turning out. Just a bit too much depth here for the intended function.

It's ultimately good news, though, as I've decided to just go ahead and start a general D&D 4E more floating around the blogosphere couldn't hurt, right?

I'm still going to do this C3 thing over in my new digs, but I'll be doing it once a week instead (5 levels at a time so it will move at the same pace), and it'll have a few more columns to keep it company, too.

Today's new column: Saving Throw, in which I'll write up a chunk of (hopefully) useful material for DMs who get caught unawares. Hey, we all know how that goes.

Make sure to check it out - The Blog of the Beholder!

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